The Cobra 148 GTL is without a doubt the most famous and preferred Radio for citizen's Band. "In its time", for being the nearest in the exigencies pre-established by the old DENTEL, it became the main and better option. Its characteristic is the famous Deluxe. Originally Deluxe are radios with the silver front and with chromated details. The radio is good, very resistant and stable. Power moderated (4 watts AM and 12 in SSB), 40 channels of original factory. Their tools are: Stationary manual meter, microphone gain control and RF, reception filters NB/ANL, also syntony kind Voicelock (of factory without broken chin) PA for high external speaker-> (Was an artifice very used by the American Police North in Tactical actions Policemen. Yes, this was already police's radio, so much in the United States as in Brazil). Is a flexible radio in the inquiry alteration, "depending on the calibrating technical work and equipament hand" the radio have reached since the 10-11 and 12 meters until the 6-20 or 40 or 80 meters... All this just redimensionando crystals, PLL and with fittings in FI's Bobbins. Its power can be opened for up to 7 watts in AM in trimpot or with macetes technical 14 watts ( do not recommend) In SSB reaches 21 watts only in trimpot. Your audio in TX (Transmission) is characteristic, voice and fidelity emission quality perfect. In RX (Reception) is noisy, but with the filters NB/ANL this symptom is easily healed (its reception is hoarse and smothered, even with the linked filters) your pointer is lazy-bones in the reception. It can do modifications in the entrance transistors of RF and diodes substitution, improving its performace in RX, improving the performance in 100% in the filter system.
An open channel with DX and CB operator -- QRA *** PX2Y6043 *** BRAZIL - 4° Region São Paulo.
September 19, 2012
May 28, 2012
February 16, 2012
Hannover BR 9000 Clone - Overview
Very good video that have an excellent explanation with details of the Hannover BR 9000.
February 07, 2012
Homologação Anatel
Já é oficial a homologação da ANATEL do QRA --> PX2Y6043 | 002 & |003 -- Estações fixa e móvel..
Rádio Cidadão - Codigo - 400
" A homologação é um caminho seguro e suporta a operação livre de inconvenientes com as demais autoridades que regulam o setor, bem como o bem público que de direto deve ser respeitado "
Rádio Cidadão - Codigo - 400
" A homologação é um caminho seguro e suporta a operação livre de inconvenientes com as demais autoridades que regulam o setor, bem como o bem público que de direto deve ser respeitado "
January 10, 2012
Galeria 611 a Meca dos Rádios do Brasil
Ai está um super link para você pesquisar pelo telefone sem sair de casa e passar por stress na Santa Efigênia muito mais agora com os constantes distúrbios na vizinhança...
Hannover BR-9000 PX Faixa do Cidadão - CB 27MHz Citizen Band
Esse rádio é a sensação do momento no mercado do PX 11 Metros...
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